Auto-Scheduler Metrics

Lead metrics

  • task aging chart – how old are my tasks from the date of creation?
  • how many visits am I making per day to my calendar? SkedPal? WHat is teh trend?
  • How many times to I conduct reschedule sessions on SkedPal per day
  • how many dead projects exist in SkedPal
  • how many dead time maps exist on SkedPal
  • tightness metric – too many flexible tasks close together
  • balanced metric using tags

Lag Metrics

  • on schedule percentage – how much time of the day I am on schedule e.g. 55% of the day on schedule
  • flexible task yield vs. plan e.g. 24% of tasks were completed as planned
  • fixed task yield vs. plan e.g. 24% of tasks were completed as planned
  • error persistence – how long does an error persist for more than 2 hours?
  • churn – the number of flexible tasks per day which get moved forward
  • fixed task completion rate e.g. 20% of my tasks are eventually completed
  • flexible task completion rate e.g. 20% of my tasks are eventually completed
  • percentage of tasks which are at risk due to schedule tightness, aged
