Here are some of the Frequently Asked Questions asked here at Schedule U.
Is there one right way to schedule, or use a calendar?
Not at all. There is no one-size-fits-all technique. However, Schedule U is all about helping people find their best fit. They just need to be able to analyze their current setup and have a knowledge of the options available.
How can I find the best fit for me?
Our working hypothesis is that the best fit is defined as the one which allows you to effectively manage the volume of flexible tasks you have in play at any moment of time.
The first step is to evaluate your current skills. We recommend the ETaPS approach borrowed from Perfect Time-Based Productivity.
What skills am I using today?
The popular techniques for using your calendar fall into one of six levels as shown here.
Most people use one level more than others (and most use more than one). Usually they lack an understanding of the entire picture: the hierarchy and the reasons people move from one to another. Our research shows that users migrate to higher levels in order to do two things:
- to increase their capacity to handle more time demands, and gain better life balance, especially when spare time is at a premium.
- to reduce the number of mistakes (which I call “errors-in-execution“). These take place due to a mismatch between their everyday level of operating and the volume of tasks they can handle.
What is time blocking? What is Total Task Scheduling?
our research shows that time blocking occurs in a number of varieties.
1. Total Task Scheduling means putting all your tasks in the schedule, thereby using lots of dummy dates. This is a method I used before the most recent version of auto-schedulers emerged.
2. Total Task Storage means using a single app to store all your tasks and manage your calendar, while cherry-picking which ones deserve a place in your current calendar. Over time, most tasks end up waiting for the right moment to be scheduled. (The latest version of SkedPal encourages/allows this method.)
3. Partial Task Storage with a side calendar means using a task management app to store most of your tasks and a separate disconnected digital calendar to schedule your activities.
Where is the cutting edge at the moment?
One breakthrough technology involves the use of AI and the cloud by auto-schedulers. These apps are designed to optimally place your tasks in your calendar. It appears that Alexa, Siri and other interactive platforms will need auto-schedulers to perform critical functions in the future.
Do you have other questions that deserve to be in this FAQ? Please let me know.