The training we conduct isn’t about learning a single set of skills once, and then claiming victory. Our experience shows that the same level of proficiency isn’t suitable for everyone. In other words, one size doesn’t fit all.
Instead, we encourage each learner to become an expert diagnostician, then choose the level of each skill which benefits them the most.
To help make sense of their development, we have defined four levels of skill at 2Time Labs/ ScheduleU. Here are the four levels of scheduling skill we have identified.
White Belts maintain a mental calendar or an appointment-only calendar that’s either paper or digital. They mostly use a mental To-Do List or one that’s based on paper.
Yellow Belts schedule tasks which support the successful completion of appointments and events in their calendars. They use an app to manage their To-Dos.
Orange Belts schedule all their non-habitual tasks using manual time blocking methods. They have moved past the use of a To-Do List.
Green Belts use an auto-scheduler to manage all their flexible tasks, in tandem with a digital calendar. They may also use special techniques such as gamification.
People don’t change the way they use their calendars or task lists for no reason. They do so in order to reduce the number of unwanted symptoms they experience.
Complimentary Products
Someone who has a great deal of patience and time could probably reconstruct all the ideas of 2Time Labs in published articles, white papers, podcasts, videos, webinars and other materials for free. They are all referenced at the following websites which are all produced by me same source: 2Time Labs, Perfect Time-Based Productivity, MyTimeDesign and ScheduleU.
Most (non-researchers) can be more efficient by following the recommendations below.
Our fee-based training is designed to help people who are experiencing a mismatch between their current belt level and the volume of tasks they are facing. In other words, they have decided to do something about their unwanted symptoms.
Many people start by taking an initial assessment. The MyTimeDesign Assessment takes about 20 minutes to complete.
Perfect Time-Based Productivity was revised after I gained some familiarity with auto-schedulers. it has all the forms and steps you need to undertake an in depth diagnosis and improvement plan.
The MyTimeDesign 1.1.Plus+ online training is based on my classroom experience delivering the NewHabits Foundations live training. The latter is delivered once or twice per year to the public in small groups, and also in corporations.
I also do individual coaching, usually as part of a wider corporate intervention.
What makes these offerings unique? They are all based on the ETaPS model developed here at 2Time Labs.
As you can see, the steps are based on the fact that one-size-doesn’t-fit-all. The best approach is to develop the learner’s capacity to self-diagnose, using the best standards in the world and the best possible tools.
If you follow this approach, you leave with a framework for ongoing and continuous improvement – far more than tips and tricks. It’s why people say our training gives them a practical roadmap for a sequence of self-driven changes that ultimately increase their peace of mind while boosting their productivity.