SkedPal – Interview with Dr. Melanie Wilson

Dr. Melanie Wilson is a psychologist and very busy mother of six children – a fact she touts in her website’s URL – “pyschowith6.”

In this interview we talk about our use of SkedPal. It’s perhaps the first recorded interview between two regular users about how we are using the program.

Listen in to our conversation here on The 2Time Labs podcast.

The CEO of Linkedin on Scheduling Nothing

The CEO of Linkedin wrote an interesting article entitled The Importance of Scheduling Nothing.

It’s a description of one of the principles I share in A Course in Scheduling.  In a nutshell, the idea is that a skillful Total Task Scheduler creates the ideal day first, including time spent for sleep and other restful, mindful activities.

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The Controversy Between Schedulers vs Listers

My 2016 article outlined an ongoing intellectual disagreement between advocates of two very different behaviors – Listing and Scheduling. Spoiler alert: both camps represent skills that have a place in the average person’s development.

It’s a long article, but it provides an important backdrop to the work of Schedule U.

Learning to Optimize Each Day’s Plan from the Controversy Between Listers and Schedulers [ Research]