Ep 5 – How to Beat a Productivity Improvement Slump

When you only had a small list of tasks it was easy to make improvements. You took your productivity in this area seriously, and you made some good changes. You expected to continue in the same vein indefinitely.

However, as you moved to the next level, and the next, it seemed to become harder to keep up the same pace of improvements. In fact, you may have felt like you were stalling. Compared to the early gains you had made, now…it was as if nothing were happening.

Visit www.replytofrancis.info to leave us some feedback or ask a question via text or voicenote communication

This episode is available on our YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/QrLikzrrMlI

https://timeblockingsummit.info to register for the March summit

https://mightytaskers.ScheduleU.org to join our community

https://www.patreon.com/francis_at_2timelabs to make a donation

Remember to subscribe to this podcast via Apple, Google or your favorite podcast player.

Download a rough transcript of this episode. https://timeblockingsummit.info/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2022/02/Episode-5-How-to-Beat-a-Productivity-Slump-TMTB-Podcast.docx

Francis Wade is the host of the Task Management & Time Blocking Virtual Summit and the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity. Connect with him on Linkedin or send a message here. www.replytofrancis.info

The post Ep 5 – How to Beat a Productivity Improvement Slump first appeared on Task Management and Time Blocking Summit 2022.

Ep 4 – My Productivity is Limited By My IT Department. Help!

How do you stay productive when you work for a company that puts in place a policy which changes the way you manage your tasks? You want to be as effective as possible, but if they restrict access to the task management tools you prefer, you need some strategies to prevent unwanted mistakes from happening.

Tune into this episode of the Task Management & Time Blocking Podcast to listen to me and my special guest, Augusto Pinaud, as we solve this challenging problem together.

Augusto Pinaud can be contacted here:

https://productivityvoice.com[email protected]




https://www.twitter.com/apinaud and https://twitter.com/prodvoice



Augusto Pinaud helps people create small changes that produce big impact! As a Bilingual Coach and a Nozbe Teams Specialist, his coaching practice tends to center on Personal Productivity, Organizational Productivity, the Counter-Intuitive-Nature of GTD, and some digital coaching on tools like Nozbe Teams, Todoist, OmniFocus and iPadOnly among others.

Francis Wade is the host of the Task Management & Time Blocking Virtual Summit and the author of Perfect Time-Based Productivity. Connect with him on Linkedin or send a message here. www.replytofrancis.info

The post Ep 4 – My Productivity is Limited By My IT Department. Help! first appeared on Task Management and Time Blocking Summit 2022.

Ep 3 – Why Failures in Task Management Are Actually a Good Sign

When your task management system fails, you may feel a sense of letdown. You wanted it to work perfectly. But here you are looking at a reality you never intended. Most of us would feel some negative emotions like guilt or shame. But there’s another approach to take altogether, which is based on a new way to think about these failures. What if there were a way to be empowered, rather than defeated, that has nothing to do with positive thinking. Tune in to this episode as we solve this challenging problem together.

Unwanted symptoms, or defects:

Information overload
Email overwhelm
Missed deadlines
Forgotten commitments
Extra weight
Strained relationships
Wake up in a panic
Physical clutter
Loss of reputation
Unbalanced work, personal, family

http://replytofrancis.info to leave us some feedback or ask a question via text or voicenote communication

This episode is available on our YouTube channel. https://youtu.be/yD6-lG8pj-I

https://timeblockingsummit.info to register for the March summit

https://mightytaskers.ScheduleU.org to join our community

https://www.patreon.com/francis_at_2timelabs to make a donation

Remember to subscribe to this podcast via Apple, Google or your favorite podcast player.

Download a rough transcript of this episode. https://timeblockingsummit.info/wp-content/uploads/sites/9/2022/02/Episode-3-FW-Unwanted-Symptoms.docx

The post Ep 3 – Why Failures in Task Management Are Actually a Good Sign first appeared on Task Management and Time Blocking Summit 2022.

Ep 2 – How Do You Manage Tasks That You Didn’t Create?

How do you manage those tasks which you can’t control? You wish you could be completely in charge but there are some which come from life/boss/spouse/kids/the government that you don’t have a choice about.

What do you do about those?

Here on this podcast, I’ll tackle this problem with Ray Sidney-Smith and we’re hoping to gain some insights and possible solutions that will be brand new…all in real time.

Definition – A time demand is an internal, individual commitment to complete an action in the future.

http://replytofrancis.info to leave us some feedback or ask a question via text or voicenote communication

https://timeblockingsummit.info to register for the March summit

https://mightytaskers.ScheduleU.org to join our community

https://www.patreon.com/francis_at_2timelabs to make a donation

Remember to subscribe to this podcast via Apple, Google or your favorite podcast player.

Download a rough transcript of this episode.

Ep 1 – What is the Task Management & Time Blocking Podcast All About?

How do you take your task management and time blocking to the next level? With so many bits and pieces of advice out there, it should be easy to figure out a plan of improvement, or at least your next step.

But there’s no single place you can trust that will help you come up with your next, best improvement. Here on the podcast, we’ll help by first offering up a tricky ask management problem, then exploring a range of possible solutions…all in real time.

The point is to do more than just offer cliches or repeat stuff said elsewhere. We want to come up with something new…every time!

Loaf of bread, container of milk, stick of butter Video – Sesamie Street https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MNghp9tPXjo

http://replytofrancis.info to leave us some feedback or ask a question via text or voicenote communication

https://timeblockingsummit.info to register for the March summit

https://mightytaskers.ScheduleU.org to join our community

https://www.patreon.com/francis_at_2timelabs to make a donation

Remember to subscribe to this podcast via Apple, Google or your favorite podcast player.

Download a rough transcript of this episode.

Trailer – Introducing the Podcast w Francis Wade

Trailer for the Task Management & Time Blocking podcast with a little splash!

http://replytofrancis.info to leave us some feedback or ask a question via text or voicenote communication

https://timeblockingsummit.info to register for the March summit

https://mightytaskers.ScheduleU.org to join our community

https://www.patreon.com/francis_at_2timelabs to make a donation

Remember to subscribe to this podcast via Apple, Google or your favorite podcast player.

Comparing 6 Auto-Schedulers – a First!

Recently, I published a couple of new podcast episodes to compare the 6 most popular auto-schedulers. (Dec 2019)

The series actually consist of long conversations with Dr. Melanie Wilson, who introduced me to the first auto-scheduler back in January 2015. This introduction had a profound impact on my professional life, leading me to give birth to ScheduleU.

In this discussion, we come up with the best criteria to judge the quality of an auto-scheduler, then we applied them to each of the 6 apps which currently dominate the market: TimeHero, SkedPal, Sorted3, Focuster, Futurenda and Flux-Speed Schedules. This is the first comparison I have ever seen so we were a bit nervous treading into uncharted waters. Although both of us are longtime SkedPal users, we tried to be as unbiased as possible, hoping to apply criteria that would be enduring.

At the end, I summarized our findings in the form of an interactive Decision Tree Tool along with a Comparison Table.

Here is the first episode of two.

SkedPal – Interview with Dr. Melanie Wilson

Dr. Melanie Wilson is a psychologist and very busy mother of six children – a fact she touts in her website’s URL – “pyschowith6.”

In this interview we talk about our use of SkedPal. It’s perhaps the first recorded interview between two regular users about how we are using the program.

Listen in to our conversation here on The 2Time Labs podcast.