Our Beta Community Continues

As I promised in an earlier post, the name of the community was changed to the Mighty-Taskers’ Community.

A Mighty-Tasker is someone who places a high demand on themselves to manage a great number of tasks. They typically are juggling at least 100 discrete tasks and use sophisticated methods and tools.

As a result, they are quite busy people, and this remains the only place I know where they can gather with others of like mind.

Come join the Beta Testing as we perfect this new network.

Update on the Community

As you may remember, a few weeks ago I invited a number of subscribers to join a Beta Community called “The Busiest One Percent.”

It’s been up and running for around five weeks and I recently extended it for a month or two. The reason?

I am learning so much from the experience about what an effective community would look like that I decided to add more time. Plus there’s more…

I also discovered that the word “Busy” as a name for this community is a problem. It has a whole lot of baggage we bring to it, from bragging about being busy to trying not to be too busy.

So we may need a new name…but not a new focus. Here’s why.

There are a group of very hard-working people in the world who are not being served. Yes, they are busy, but it’s because they:

  •     create a lot of tasks i.e. time demands. Why? It’s because they…
  •    have big commitments. Many want to change the world, raise exceptional kids, build powerhouse businesses, excel in a sport. As a result they…
  •    have calendars which they use to schedule almost everything. They know that time is their scarcest resource so they are very aware of how precious it is and how easily it is wasted. So they keep tabs on lots of stuff in their calendars, sometimes their entire life. Therefore, they…
  •    are always making trade-offs between stuff they are passionate about. They realize that “Yes” to something means “No” to a bunch of other things. Including sleep. Due to this inner drive for greatness, they…
  •    therefore have very little “free” time in the conventional sense. They effortlessly program each hour of the day with cool stuff. While others are exhausted just looking at them, they are are excited about their lives and the opportunities that present themselves each day.

 I suspect that you may belong to this group, which is why what’s happening now is so cool and so different.

 The Beta community I set up is sharpening its focus to serve professionals in this group, who I have been calling Ultra-Busys. They could also be called:

  •    MegaTaskers
  •    SuperTaskers or
  •    UltraTaskers

Or maybe they are just ordinary people engaged in MegaTasking, SuperTasking or UltraTasking…in spurts. (As you can see, I am still playing with the exact wording which is why I need your help.)

 If this community interests you at all, jump in and help me define what it is, what it’s called and who it serves. You’ll be serving this entire cohort, but also yourself at the same time. 

 You see, the clearer you are about who YOU are in terms of task management, the smarter choices you’ll be able to make. Plus, the improvements you decide to implement now and in the future will be surgical and precise, saving time and effort.

Come join in the fun.


A New Community is Being Created

If you are a fan or follower of ScheduleU you may have detected a pivot here at 2Time Labs in the past few months. Now, we have clarified our audience and named it: The Busiest One Percent. Who are these people?

They are a tiny group of professionals who routinely create more demands on their time in a week than the 168 hours each of us gets. This comprises sleeping, working, playing, in relationships, exercising, eating, etc. They are the kind of people who come to ScheduleU for help in becoming Total Task Schedulers.

As a result, they are a bit different from their friends.

The oddity comes from the fact that they have a lot of energy which they pour into their interests without abandon. Others around them are exhausted by their pace. But it’s not a mania or psychological fault that serves as the driving force. Instead, it’s a deep commitment to make a difference in some way. Some want to save the world. Others want to win a gold medal. Many want to get rich as fast as possible.

The fact is, they are a driven bunch and no longer benefit from traditional productivity advice. They have already “been there and done that” with most gurus and their ideas which are really meant for beginners. Instead, they need more advanced assistance that goes beyond the basics and can take them to the next level.

They also want to know that there’s some Gladwell-level research behind these ideas, not just anecdata.

Up until now, these folks have been isolated. I have run into them on Reddit, various chat forums, StackExchange, ProductHunt, Quora and other places but they don’t have a community. That is…until now.

A few months ago I surveyed graduates of A Course in Scheduling here at ScheduleU and picked up on a the gap – the respondents want to be with each other.

So here we here… about to enlist the first group of Beta PlayTesters to The Busiest One Percent Community. If this resonates with you at all, consider joining us here. The action starts this week.