Is Self-Assessment the Way to Better Task Management?

Are you a productivity enthusiast who is eager to continue your improvements?

Remember when you first discovered GTD or a similar productivity approach for the first time? In those early days, everything you tried seemed to work. It was amazing: as if someone were flicking on the switch for the first time. All of a sudden, you were enlightened to practices you were already using, and now you could see, name and improve them all at will.

Before long, you boosted your capacity to manage more tasks and it was thrilling!

But now that you are managing more commitments than ever before, you may have noticed an anomaly. When there’s a sudden increase in task volume due to a project, promotion or shift to working from home, you notice feelings of overwhelm.

Why has that experience returned? Why don’t the early lessons you learned still work? Why does the stuff you teach others not apply any longer?

Come to this webinar and learn why you may need to shift to a different way of making improvements now that you are more experienced…with greater task volume

You’ll leave with the new mindset needed to make continuous improvements as a seasoned productivity enthusiast. Plus, you’ll be introduced to new tools such as the MyTimeDesign Rapid Assessment which help you analyze your whole-system-at-once rather than the components. They’ll lead you to the Pareto Improvements you really want to make more than anything.

Webinar: Is Self-Assessment the Way to Better Task Management?
May 20, 2021. 7pm Eastern (GMT -4)

To register, click here:

See you there!
